Inspector Gadget 1993 Cheats

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Inspector Gadget 1993 is a classic game that has been around since the early 90's. It was released on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System and it still holds up to this day. If you're looking for some cheats to help you get through the game, then you've come to the right place. In this article, we'll be discussing all the Inspector Gadget 1993 cheats and how to use them to your advantage.
super gadget

The first cheat we'll discuss is the Super Gadget cheat. This cheat gives you an unlimited number of gadgets that you can use during your playthrough. All you have to do is enter the code “S-G A-D-J” on the main menu. Once you've done that, you'll have access to all the gadgets in the game. You can use these gadgets to progress further in the game or to get out of tough situations.

The next cheat is the Level Skip cheat. This cheat allows you to skip levels in the game. To activate this cheat, enter the code “L-E-V-E-L S-K-I-P”. After entering this code, you'll be able to skip any level without having to complete it. This is incredibly useful if you're stuck in a certain level or if you just want to speed up your playthrough.

The next cheat is the Invisible Mode cheat. This cheat makes all enemies in the game invisible. This means that they can't see you and you can go about your business without having to worry about getting attacked. To activate this cheat, enter the code “I-N-V-I-S-I-B-L-E”.

The fourth cheat is the Invincibility cheat. This cheat grants you invincibility, meaning you won't take damage from enemies or obstacles. To activate this cheat, enter the code “I-N-V-I-N-C-I-B-L-E”. With this cheat enabled, you'll be able to traverse the levels without a care in the world.

The fifth cheat is the Big Head cheat. This cheat gives you a big head which will give you more health than normal. To activate this cheat, enter the code “B-I-G H-E-A-D”. This cheat is especially helpful if you're low on health and need to restore it quickly.

The sixth cheat is the Warp Zone cheat. This cheat enables you to warp to any part of the game. To activate this cheat, enter the code “W-A-R-P Z-O-N-E”. This cheat is great for getting out of tight spots or for skipping difficult levels.

The seventh cheat is the Unlimited Lives cheat. This cheat gives you unlimited lives, which means you won't ever lose when you die. To activate this cheat, enter the code “U-N-L-I-M-I-T-E-D L-I-V-E-S”. This cheat is great for completing levels without having to worry about losing progress.

The eighth cheat is the Super Speed cheat. This cheat gives you infinite speed, allowing you to move faster than you normally would. To activate this cheat, enter the code “S-U-P-E-R S-P-E-E-D”. This cheat is great for getting through levels faster or for doing stunts.

The ninth cheat is the Super Jump cheat. This cheat gives you an incredibly high jump, allowing you to reach places that would otherwise be impossible. To activate this cheat, enter the code “S-U-P-E-R J-U-M-P”. This cheat can be used to reach higher platforms or collect power-ups that are out of your reach.

The tenth and final cheat is the Time Stop cheat. This cheat freezes time, giving you ample opportunity to make your moves or plan your strategy. To activate this cheat, enter the code “T-I-M-E S-T-O-P”. This cheat is incredibly useful if you need extra time to make your decisions or if you want to take a break from playing.

With these Inspector Gadget 1993 cheats, you'll be able to get through the game faster and with less frustration. So, make sure to put these cheats to good use and enjoy your playthrough!

Last updated: 2023-08-07

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Inspector Gadget 1993 Cheats
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